Moving Checklist

This is a good to time to take a look at what you own and sort out what must go and what can be left behind or thrown away. Any items such as old books, magazines, broken items, old toys can be recycled or donated if in good condition.
Remember that any extra weight to your shipment will cost you more. Organise your move by making lists separating which items you will not be transporting, which items your removals company will take, and which items you will move yourself. Decide what to do with the items that are not going with you. i.e. garage sale, charity donation, recycled or disposed of. Decide who will do most/all of the packing.
It is advisable that you let the removal company do the majority of the packing as they are familiar with the best methods for keeping items safe and secure. Involve your children in the moving process. Let them help with packing and perhaps get them to suggest a layout for their new room. Make it as fun and exciting as possible.

3 Weeks
before your move
Notify your removal company if there are any changes in the dates of your move. If you need any additional services such as piano moving, packing and unpacking, and storage facilities, you should inform the removal company for any pricing lists/ information. Inform the removal company if you add or deduct any items from your original planned shipment. Decide how much packing your will be doing yourself. Inform your movers of any items that you would prefer him/her to pack. If you are transporting your car via a car carrier, finalise the reservation and date and time of the pick up. Finalise any transportation arrangements for your pets. Take your pets to your veterinarian to update any health certificates, vaccinations, and rabies inoculations.
It is advisable to carry all valuable jewellery with you. If you have any valuable items around the house, collect them before leaving. Return any borrowed items, I.e. library books. Collect all items that are being repaired, stored or cleaned.

2 Weeks
before your move
Transfer all prescriptions to a pharmacy in your new area. Call your bank to find out how to transfer your accounts or change your address. Clear out any safety deposits boxes. Disassemble and disconnect your computer system before you move. Back up all your computer files on a disk or memory stick. It is a good idea to take these back up disks/ sticks with you in the car.
Any exposure to extreme temperatures can damage your software. Clean and clear out any closets, basement and attics. Dispose of items considered hazardous and prohibited from being shipped. Tape and seal all cleaning fluids that are non-toxic, non-flammable in and store in plastic bags. Drain your lawn mower and power tools of any oil and gasoline to ensure safe transportation. If you are in need of storage facilities, contact your removal company about the options available to you. Inform gas, electric, cable, telephone, and internet services of your move. Arrange to have them disconnected the day after your scheduled moving day. Sign up for these services at your new address and ensure they are connected on the day you move into your new property. If you are travelling by car to your new location, get your car checked out in advance to make sure it is in good working order and you have a safe, reliable trip.
1 Weeks
before your move
Mark clearly which items you are planning to take yourself. This will save time and any hassle for both you and the removal staff. Check all cupboards, basement, garage, built in storage, for any forgotten items. Mark your boxes to be shipped appropriately, I.e. Fragile, Do Not Load, Load Last. Empty, defrost and clean out your refrigerator and freezer. Clean your stove with a specific oven cleaner, at least 24 hours before moving, to let them air out. Try using baking soda to get rid of any bad odours. Prepare any items you will need whilst your goods are in transit. Pack your suitcases and confirm travel arrangements for you and your family. Try to keep plans as flexible as possible in the event of unexpected delays or schedule change. Provide your removal company with your address and phone number of your new home. You should also provide an address and phone number of where you can be reached until you arrive at your new home, in case there are any problems. Arrange payment of the removal services. Contact your company to enquire about methods of payment accepted. Enquire with your moving company or van line agents about protecting your goods.
1 day
before your move
Pack a box of items that you will need as soon as you arrive at your new home. This could include non-aerosol cleaning supplies, disposable plates and cups, light tools, snacks, bathroom items, rubbish bags, and of course – a kettle! Take this box with you or ask the van driver to load it last and unload first. Make sure all packing services have been carried out before you sign for them. Defrost, and thoroughly clean the refrigerator. Moving out day: Be present at the property when the driver arrives and throughout the duration of the loading process. If you can not be there, arrange for someone trustworthy to meet and direct the movers. Make sure the driver has confirmation, and the name and phone number of that chosen person. Accompany the driver during throughout the inventory. Check on the condition of your goods as they are being loaded. Carry out a final tour of your home and ensure that nothing is overlooked. Sign the bill of lading and make sure your new address and phone number are correct. Lock all windows and doors, and turn off all switches, gas and water.

Moving in day
Arrive at your home a day in advance if possible, to make sure utilities are connected. You can then prepare the arrangement of any major items in your home. Be present at your new home to pay the driver the outstanding balance with cash, cheque, or card, once work has been completed.
Week by week planning move guide
before your move:
Organisation is vital to enable a smooth running move and this is the key time to start piecing together the details of your move. This is the best time to decide which items you wish to transport to your new home. If you decide to dispose of any items you don’t need, you can either donate them to a charity or dispose of them properly. If you are planning to pack your belongings yourself, start collecting suitable moving and packing supplies. You can purchase all of these materials from your removal company or a moving supply company. All boxes that you purchase from our suppliers or a removal supply company are specially designed to prevent any damage to your belongings. If you do find boxes from other sources, make sure they are strong and sturdy as they may create some difficulties once packed in the van. Try and find boxes of similar sizes so they can be stacked neatly and safely. Consider the layout of your new home and create a floor plan noting where you would like to place your furniture. This can prevent any stress when it comes to making a decision once your furniture arrives at your new home. Familiarise yourself with your new community and area. Try and find out any information on local schools, community programs, parks, and facilities from your local council. Organize any necessary travel arrangements for your family in advance (hotel, flights, car rental, etc). Try to keep your plans as flexible as possible to accommodate any changes or delays. Keep hold of all receipts for moving related expenses in a separate moving folder. Several moving expenses are tax deductible. Contact your local tax office to obtain any relevant forms. Finalise all real estate and rental issues. Contact your insurance company in advance to transfer any medical, property, fire and car insurance details. All medical and dental records should be placed in a safe and accessible place. Make sure you include prescriptions, vaccination records, and eyewear specifications. If you have any important documents, such as wills, stock certificates, and other important or valuable items (jewellery, photos etc), make sure these are sorted in advance and put in a secure place.
4-5 Weeks
before your move
Contact your local Post Office for a Change of Address form and mail redirection details. Give your new address to:
- Friends and Family
- Post Office
- Utility Companies
- Telephone Company
- Cable Company
- Water Company
- Electricity Company
- Internet Provider
- Insurance Companies
- Banks and Financial Institutions
- Checking
- Savings
- Loans
- Creditors
- Local Government agencies, Federal agencies, the IRS
- Health Providers
- Doctors
- Dentist
- Veterinarian
- Pharmacy
- Schools
- Subscriptions
- Church