Moving your computer
When moving, many people have problems in the moving of the personal or office computers. For many this might seem a hassle but it can be done correctly by following these advices. Moving you computer can be done fast and easy if handled correctly.
There are certain rules that you should follow for an easy move of your computer and to avoid damaging it. One of the most important things you should do to ensure the safety of your data is to back it up. Either you save it on another hard drive which you carefully pack and hold near you, or you can use CD-s, DVD-s and even memory sticks since they can be stored more easily due to their smaller size. Unfortunately that also means they’re easier to misplace so you must pay close attention to where you keep them all the time before, during and after the move. The CD-s and DVD-s can be keeps in special bags used solely for them. Also it is very important that you remember to label them correctly the moment you pack them.
The next step is to collect and clean all the peripheral parts such as the cables, the keyboard, the mouse, microphone and headphones, printer and all the connected devices. If you can try to keep them all together in a large bow and label it properly. If you still have the original boxes it is best to use those because the size will be exactly what you need, if not, try to find similar sizes packing boxes.
The hard-disk panel and the monitor are to be packed and kept in the safest way. Try using special cloths so they won’t get scratches and use plenty of padding materials to ensure a safe delivery of your items.
Always remember to label each box and specify if the items inside are Fragile by using the special label. If you have doubts you can always ask local removal companies for advice.
Another important thing to remember when packing your computer is to place any important documents such as guarantees, manuals or invoices all together in a box which should be near you at all times during the move. In case of damage during the move, these might come in handy.
Keep the important items with you and remember to label them accordingly. Following these small steps will allow you to keep a better track on your computer and to be safely transported to your new location.